Attorney Marketing Videos
We produce attorney marketing videos with the core objective of increasing contact rates, improving quality of contacts while improving branding appeal.
David P. Shapiro is a San Diego based criminal lawyer. In this video he describes his experience in doing marketing videos with Archē Solutions.
John Kelly is a Phoenix based personal injury attorney. In this video he describes his experience in doing marketing videos with Archē Solutions.
How it Works
Our Approach
Over more than a decade of experience helping attorneys create marketing videos has provided us with the knowledge to create a streamlined and successful process to create videos that attract your ideal clients..
Enhance Your Brand
Proven Process
If you are an attorney and are looking to increase your online contact rate, while improving your branding appeal, we provide professionally produced attorney videos specifically designed to achieve those two objectives. After testing thousands of lawyer marketing videos against each other, we have developed an approach that is not only extremely effective, but can be done at a relatively cost effective rate.
Establish Your Expertise
You Are The Subject Matter Expert
The key to this approach is you providing useful information to prospective clients specific to their particular need and on our end we package your presentation in a professional, aesthetically pleasing format. If you can provide just one or two pieces of useful information to potential clients, they view you as the authoritative source of information and in the process of your delivery, they feel like they get to know you. This dramatically increases the potential for a contact and mitigates the possibility of them reaching out to your competition.
Connect Directly
Establish Rapport
This does require some preparation on your part as you are the “talent”. The reason this works is because they are creating a connection with you.
If you are looking to increase your conversion rate, improve your branding, and you are willing to put in a little effort, please feel free to give us a call.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s involved, and what you can expect during the video production process
How much does it cost?
The first video of the day is $1500. each additional video done in one day is $500. This applies to videos from 30 seconds to 10 minutes which is the vast majority of videos. If you need shorter or longer videos we will provide a custom quote.
Do you have a minimum number of videos during a shoot?
We do not require a minimum video number of videos, however, the first video does cost more than the rest of the videos so its makes sense to do all the videos you would like in a single day, if at all possible.
How long will it take to get my videos?
From a marketing perspective you should NEVER allow a video production company to post your own videos online before you do. This is because Google can view the production company as the “originator” of the videos, thus mitigating your SEO benefits. For this reason, we will share our videos with you to review first from our YouTube account (but the videos remain unlisted so are not seen by Google/YouTube). Once approved we can send you the final versions via Dropbox if you like but we will also Fedex you an SD card with them as well.
I’d like to do videos for all my practice areas, is there a maximum number of videos I can do in a day?
Do you work exclusively with a single attorney in a market?
Do you have a studio fee?
The studio fee is included in the cost of the videos. However, we do require a $1000 nonrefundable studio reservation fee; if not canceled two weeks prior to shooting. The reservation fee is applied video production cost.
How can I prepare for my videos?
Video Samples
Recent Projects

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